This Training is part of the Somalia-Yemen Reverse Linkage Project for KIMS Capacity Development by the Islamic
Development Bank, also is based on the facts and results of hall and a field training in (Hargeisa + Mogadishu + Kismayo)
to give training for the KIMS team on new procedures and portfolio and arrears management, and monitoring
reports for portfolio performance.

Training the KIMS team on new procedures and finance
lifecycle (client interview + financial and social study of
the client and the guarantor +the new feasibility.
Preparing the training materials, the new feasibility
study, and the forms used with the new procedures
Deciding committees and methods of managing arrears, risk
and portfolio.
Sitting with the IT manager to discuss the possibility of
adapting the system with new producers
Contents of the training
- Financing – and why is it important? Financing life cycle Office training Field Training
- Promotion and client interview financial and social studies
- Discussion committee and new procedures arrears, portfolio, and risk management
- Visiting new and repeat client for making interview and social study.
- Preparing the financial study for the client And guarantor visit – financing file
- Training on all new forms and decision committee