Ahmed’s journey began with adversity. Deported from Saudi Arabia as an illegal immigrant, he found himself back in his homeland with a determination to turn his life around.

Ahmed possessed a unique skill – the art of fishing. Eager to leverage this talent, he approached KIMS, a local microfinance institution, seeking support to finance his dream of owning a boat and acquiring essential fisheries equipment. His ambition was clear: to build a sustainable livelihood for himself and his family.

Recognizing Ahmed’s potential, KIMS embraced him as one of the beneficiaries of their GEEL program. With the financial backing of KIMS Microfinance, Ahmed’s loan request was approved, enabling him to acquire the much-needed boat and fisheries equipment.

As months passed, Ahmed’s life underwent a profound transformation. With unwavering dedication and the support of his newfound resources, he became a successful fisherman. His catch not only improved his own economic situation but also had a positive ripple effect on his family and community.

The success story didn’t end there. Ahmed, now thriving in his venture, took it upon himself to pay it forward. He employed 15 other fishermen, providing them with opportunities for economic growth and stability. Through hard work and the assistance of KIMS Microfinance, Ahmed not only rebuilt his life but also became a beacon of hope and success for others in Kismayo.